
sayeth her,
“I will induce you,
forever spew your words of love,
swear them deep of heart,
sweeten them of honey dew aplenty
and I will devour them
and ravish you,
leave only sinew’s remnants when I depart.

~ ~ ~


what is it my love,
this angel comes when the moon does not look
by stealth in the wee hours amidst the blackness,
finds my cheek and there her lips imprinted
for me to find at morn’s first light,
left to reassure,
to tell uncertainty will never overcome Me?
~ ~ ~


I grab them, trap them before they flee,
put them in my pen to recount them ‘ere I sleep,
moments of the day when hearts be one,
moments . . .
like treasure lost an eon,
re-discovered relics gold,
minted o’er Again
~ ~ ~


I am perpetual motion,
born a sojourner
finding no tent,
destined to meet my end
wherever I’ve never Been.
~ ~ ~