Yesterday they tore the old Red Rooster down
And ran the city alligator out of town
And buried Flo, rusty coins and all.
Mama’s liquored up voice taken last fall.
But he won’t know and he can’t know
For decades searched and searched
Yet he heeds not my plaintive calls
Nor can Chuck and Pat and Larry tell
For long ago too heard their somber knell.
Three decades come up empty,
Leave me no place else to seek
Regrets, I leave it chance Fate will find him,
My quest I defer to those who follow.
But I say this last request
“heave-ho them frosty mugs,
Imbibe ’til dusty thirst is quenched
See it always sure our palates drenched.
For God’s sake you SOB
You know we pray you safe,
Remain ever hopeful
Now signing off lo with dampened eyes
Together bind us all unite in chorus
Cheers and Happy Birthday Ronnie Murphy
Wherever the Good Lord sees you be.