
The avenue beats a discordant symphony.

Street lamps circle dim around the moths.

Terriers strut tethered taut to widows’ wrists.

Teamsters haul their loads up to the docks.

Far off sirens race beneath an ash-filled sky.

Jane packs up her empty can and pleading signs,

Warms her suckling daughter at her breast

And wheels her stroller to the bridge.

                        ~ ~ ~


He wanders lost in the dim of the fading moon

Down steep stairs finds a door will not open,

‘I want out,’ he pleas despair to no avail,

Stomach knotted aches the turmoil he can’t tell

Save the one who has his heart if near will know,

Dispirited, wallows, laments, alas his presence is afar.

Ah free sparrow, how sweet your song.

                               ~ ~ ~


She drew me
in her picture
in colors would not run.
I watched her eyes
atop her canvas and
though ’twas not for me to see
what she drew there,
’twas through her eyes
I knew the colors.
      ~ ~ ~


She left

‘ere she came,

mine teeming heart

chilled ere it warmed.

I kept aside her

tried I know,

I could not know.

I loved her

‘ere I felt her

And all that came

’twas all could come

of love

we lived

like this.

    ~ ~ ~